20 gennaio 2009

Since I was so young...
oh.. you know...
some hugs... some nice looks.

good way, good way

water FALLS

19 gennaio 2009

Friday is, for most in this country,
a day with mixed emotion.
The morning moves too slowly for comfort,
the weekend just a notion.

The afternoon "becomes" quite soon
and you feel the thrill of home time.
Until that sunday morning feeling
you're free to waste your own time.

12 gennaio 2009


without a reason.
answering no question.
blaming you for being shy and totally red as if passionate.


You, more or less. The hidden part of you.
The sea, the wind.

The windy country.

My eyes as yours. Yours like mine.
Your lips inside my skin.
A Long, lasting..trembling... whisper.

Shall we start again?

Don't know why, but I came.
And came the hidden part of you.

No more words.
I won't give it up.
I just need it.

03 gennaio 2009

and a new year....

just started... and me, and my temper, and the flavour of your skin.
everything washed away.

no me, him, the other one, her smile, my eyes, your mouth, your mouth, together in dream not in fact (I can now answer to your question.. yesterday I was busy: No, I didn't change my mind. I'm still waiting for you, coming back to Milan)


 In 2019, I moved to Ireland, in May. Then, in 2020, when I was supposed to go to Thailand, the Pandemic. On August 4th 2020 I discovered I ...