04 settembre 2019

2 years

My last post was in 2017, 2 years today.

I hadn't checked this page in 2 years, no comments, which is good.

My father passed away in February 2018 to Colangio- Carcinoma, bile duct cancer. He was a Doctor, he probably new something was off, we got him to do some tests (we had to convince him) and yea, it was already too late. Too late to chemo, or anything else. 6 months, he died.
And I am so grateful he died because it was too much to handle for him, he asked not to be hospitalised and sedated. Which I did, I did sedate him (doctors told me how much we should give him ) and we constantly with doctors and nurses, but home.
A doctor who does not want to go to hospital...that says a lot!

Anyway, he ell into a coma and lived (LIVED!!!!) another few days, then he died.
I do not like saying "passed away".

In June 2018 I asked for Separation and then I divorced in March 2019.

I met a nice guy and left  London in May 2019 and I now live in Dublin.
And from Dublin, I am typing now.
So many things happened in 2 years.

However, I am still obese. 90 Kgs today (100 last year)

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 In 2019, I moved to Ireland, in May. Then, in 2020, when I was supposed to go to Thailand, the Pandemic. On August 4th 2020 I discovered I ...