09 aprile 2006

è stato piacevolissimo

Grazie mille!
Sono stata benissimo e questo mio "pensiero" sarà forse più frivolo del solito, ma non ho voglia di pensare troppo. Avrei dovuto studiare e invece sono rimasta due ore a parla con te.
A vederti, osservarti Bello come sei.- e non parlo solo del tuo bellissimo viiiiiiso-sei proprio una bella persona.
E ti ho sentito parlare (poche bestemmie questa volta...). E hai cantato...

I hear your voice in ev'ry corridor
See your face in ev'ry picture frame
I feel your eyes in ev'ry starry sky
Lover, am I coming home again?(janis ian)

It has been so funny..listen to you, and you were singing. Old songs. Old Familiar Songs.

There's a wisdom in the teachings
of the old familiar songs
(janis ian)

And you were playing and talking as Mortadella or DwarfMinister and Vader and I laughed a lot..

Hope to do it again,so soon.
You're busy, also I'm .

But I'm looking for my mike (crophone) and my webcam (I've got one but cannot find drivers as well).


And love you was not "good word", was the truth ;)

I KNOW U ARE READING BUT WILL NOT COMMENT ;) so I can say anything and you will not answer... "how deep is your love...." Sing it Again, goodboy.

cacaooo meravigliaoooo...do u remember then? And do you remember "Io sono critinaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" when Francesca Reggiani try to imitate Cristina d'Avena dressing as a fairy lady..hahaha! and do you remeber "De KI....PLING!" -rocco smitherson...and Grazia De Michelis...and..everything.. and Lorenzo ...and ...oh I was a baby,but I remember,and I misses a lot this kind of TV...

Now I'm telling you I'm not nostalgic, then give me another word for it, you who are so good with words ..

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